Reallocation = Free Lunch 😋🍽️

Nudge rewards you for redistributing your existing capital 🎉

Dear Nudge Community,

In traditional finance, there is a time-tested maxim: “There is no free lunch.”

Higher potential rewards inevitably come with higher risks – an unbreakable rule of markets.

Most crypto activities, whether it’s swapping tokens, staking, or re-staking them, also follow this rule: if you’re looking for higher yields, be prepared to accept greater exposure to risk.

Yet there is one notable exception in the crypto world – reallocation in the form of Nudges.

Rather than compensating you for bearing additional market risk, a Nudge rewards you for redistributing your existing capital among different assets, liquidity pools, or staking opportunities.

This creates a “free lunch” dynamic otherwise unseen in the risk-balanced environment of finance.

What Is a Nudge?

A Nudge is a novel mechanism designed to increase risk-adjusted returns through smart repositioning of your crypto holdings.

  • Instead of taking on new or higher risks, you’re simply shifting your assets and liquidity to a different protocol, network, or provider.

  • In exchange, you receive a reward that comes not from the broader market, but from market participants who want to attract capital.

For protocols, Nudges serve as KPI-driven Purchase Catalysts that can outcompete rivals by incentivizing users to bring their liquidity, usage, and community engagement over.

For you as a user, it means earning more by moving your capital to a place where it’s more highly valued. This help protocols boost token utility, grow TVL (Total Value Locked), and attract active participants.

Free lunch for users are amazing! Bon Appétit 😋🍽️

Team Nudge

P/S: Do you know how noisy DeFi is? Watch this to see how Protocols can standout with Nudge! Like, share and follow for more insights 🎉